Unienville, St Syre

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Eglise Saint-Symphorien
Rue de la Garenne
10140 Unienville
Latitude: 48.325256
Longitude: 4.547567
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I am a martyr because I’m carrying the palm that indicates that I suffered for Jesus Christ. I am also carrying the Gospels that show that I was associated with the announcement of the message of Jesus Christ in the diocese of Troyes. I am certainly a local saint bearing the pretty name of Syre. Long ago the churchmen of Troyes gathered a lot of legends about me. Although I was blind I discovered the tortured body of the first bishop of Troyes, Savinien and regained my sight at the same time.
As I am, sculpted from a block of wood, the modest local artist at the end of the C15th well respected the fashion of his time, he clothed me in a comfortable and decent way. He was a virtuoso of folds, look at the whirlwind of my balloon sleeve . It was important for him to represent me as a serious girl dedicated to her mission. He didn't however hesitate to decorate me with a pretty, very fashionable headband out of which my hair flows. It is submissively plaited in two discreet braids very «young girl».

M. H. 09-10-1961 

Prices and schedules

Free access

Depending on the season. You can contacting the intercommunal tourism office by


Unienville, St Syre
Rue de la Garenne
10140 Unienville

Tel 03 25 43 38 88