PvB/PNRFO <p>Découvrez le territoire des Lacs et du Parc naturel régional de la Forêt d'Orient, pour vos vacances ou un weekend, avec des hébergements à taille humaine.<br /> Pour vous : 3 lacs (Orient, Temple, Amance), près du Lac du Der, ports de plaisance, loisirs nautiques, voile, kite-surf, motonautisme, ski nautique, jet-ski, pêche, baignade.<br /> Un cadre naturel exceptionnel : forets profondes, étangs, randonnée à pied, à cheval, en vélo.<br /> Plus de 265 especes d'oiseaux, migration des grues, cygogne noire, observatoires.<br /> Une terre d'histoire, voies romaines, Templiers, sculpture Renaissance, musée Napoléon, ecomusée.<br />...</p> Pascal Bourguignon / PNRFO <p>Le Balcon du Parc est une route touristique permettant de découvrir le Parc naturel régional de la Forêt d'Orient.</p> Gary Rodgers <p>Coucher de soleil sur le Lac d'Orient.<br /> En mémoire d'Alan Oswald Rodgers, Néo-Zélandais, pilote de Lancaster (1923-1944).</p> Anne villaumé / PNRFO <p>Pour la construction du nouvel observatoire du Lac du Temple, une technique respectueuse de l'environnement a été utilisé, le débardage.</p> Peter van Bussel / PNRFO <p>200 étangs au moyen-âge, aujourd'hui près de 70. Tous privés, certains sont accessibles en restant sur les chemins de randonnée.</p> PNRFO <p>Ici une Caloptéryx Vierge. Après l'accouplement, la femelle pond ses oeufs dans l'eau. Les larves muent plusieurs fois avant de sortir au grand air pour devenir des libellules... </p> Ludovic Thiérard <p> Pont donnant accès à l'entrée par la grille d'honneur du Château de Brienne</p> Ange Franquin <p>Port de plaisance de Mesnil Saint-Père. Lac d'Orient.</p> PvB/PNRFO <p>Au point de vue du Croît, une table d'orientation avec des vues imprenables sur la Champagne humide, avec ses lacs, forêts et champs.</p> Ange Franquin <p>Le lac d'Orient: loin du bruit des moteurs...vive la voile sur toutes ses formes.</p> Peter van Bussel / PNRFO <p>Les lacs du PNR de la Forêt d'Orient atteignent des niveaux différents dans l'année, il n'est donc pas rare de croiser des arbres immergés sur les berges.</p> Pascal Bourguignon / PNRFO <p>Grands Lacs, forêts majestueuses, étangs, rivières, faune sauvage, prés et champs, grandes cultures, vignoble, plateaux et rivières, architecture à pans de bois, …</p>




Located in calm places, surrounded by nature, the hotels value regional skills. The buildings favour local architecture and are decorated with taste. The chef will introduce you to all the subtilities of terroir, with a menu of tasty dishes, made from fresh local produce…

The prices are by the night and the room, for 1 or several people, to which breakfasts have to be added. Half board or full board packages are available if the hotel also has a restaurant.

Go to the list by clicking here.

Chambre and table d'hôte

Located in homes, the rooms are often in a part separate from the main house. The rooms are either classed with "ears of corn" by Gîtes de France, or with "keys" by Clévacances.

Certain owners also offer « table d’hôte » so you can discover, during a dinner with other guests, all the tastes of terroir.

Unlike chambres d’hôtes, classed with ears of corn by Gîtes de France, lodging with local residents is unaffiliated accommodation.
Rental is available from one night.
The prices are by room, for 2 people and include breakfast.

Go to the list by clicking here.

Gîtes Panda

The gîte Panda is accommodation " Gîtes de France " (gîte rural, chambre d'hôtes, gîte de séjour) situated in an exceptional location. There are 3 gîtes Panda in the park. The Panda package is offered here in a version chambre d'hôtes.

Go to the list by clicking here.

Furnished accommodation Gîtes de France and Clévacances

Situated in the countryside, this comfortable accommodation is fully equpped. Independent and classed with "ears of corn" by Gîtes de France or with "keys" by Clévacances, they are especially intended for stays with family or friends.
The prices are by gîte, the rental period is usually a weekend or a week.

Go to the list by clicking here

Furnished accommodation, bungalows and family residences

Especially intended to welcome families, this accommodation with all modern conveniences allows you to take part in different activities and events offered to you by the manager during the season.
Rental is generally available for a weekend or a week, depending on the season. The prices are by furnished accommodation.
In interseason, weekend or midweek packages are often available.

Go to the list by clicking here.

Group welcome

This accommodation is intended for groups, friends and families who wish to stay here for a weekend or the holidays. Independent , they are equipped with living spaces and places to sleep either in rooms or dormitories .

Rental is generally available starting from one night.
Prices are by person par person and by night

Go to the list by clicking here.

Group welcome with events

Certain managers also offer the possibility of trip ideas or nature events. These are mainly :
- the Centre d’Etudes et de Pédagogie de l’Environnement at the Pavillon St Charles in Piney, run by the Forêt d‘Orient Regional Nature Park
- the Centre d’Initiation et de Pédagogie à l’Environnement in Soulaines Dhuys,
- the Centre Yvonne Martinot, run by the Fédération des Œuvres Laïques, in Mesnil-St-Père.
For further information don't hesitate to contact us.

Go to the list by clicking here.

Gîtes d’enfants

Host families offer your children many nature activities, either to discover it or just relax. This approved accommodation is also classed Gîtes de France.
Your children will be welcomed for several days, mostly during the school holidays.

Go to the list by clicking here.


Get in direct contact with nature by stayin one of the Park's campsites. You'll appreciate their security their cleanliness and their tranquility.

The campsite prices are by pitch and by night. Often the manager offers a package for 2 people including the pitch, tent or caravan, car. Extra people are of course possible, with often decreasing prices for children according to their age.

Certain campsites also offer for rent furnished accomodation or bungalows (like at Mesnil-St-Père or Dienville). You won't find any chalets here, they're more for the mountains... The prices are , like for furnished accommodation, by the week. In interseason, weekend or midweek packages are often available.

To download the Park's accommodation brochure click here

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