Regulation regarding mushroom picking in the Aube department
You can pick up a maximum 2 kg of mushrooms per person/day
The following species can be sold in "Aube" :
« Article 4 :
- Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)
- Black Trumpet (Cranterellus cornucopioides)
- The Hedgehog Mushroom (Hydnum repandum)
- Penny bun, Cep (Boletus sp : edulis, aeraeus, reticulatus)
- Grey knight or dirty tricholoma (Tricholoma terreum)
- Cup fungi or "Sponge mushroom" ( Morchella sp)
- Field Mushroom (Psalliota campestris)
- Parasol mushroom (Lepiota procera) »
Anything else than a knife to pick the mushrooms is forbiden
Any other wild mushroom sold in the region is illegal.
We remind you to pick mushrooms sensibly in order to preserve tomorrows natural ressources.
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Our partners
Local Botany Company
10 rue du Vélo, F-10000 TROYES
Biology Association in Champagne
7 rue du Maréchal Leclerc, F-10600 LA CHAPELLE ST LUC