Tools for the protection and management of Natural Spaces
The Foret d'Orient Regional Nature Park is full of Natural spaces, which must be preserved and protected by the Parks. In order to do so, the Park must combine different levels of protection.
Natural heritage knowledge tools
Natural areas of faunistic and floristic Interests (ZNIEFF)
They are places where rare, protected or endangered components (species, ecosystem, natural areas...) can be identified by scientists and validated by the natural history museum.
Important Areas for bird Conservation (ZICO)
These areas are determined by the "BirdLife International"
In the Park territory, there is 1 ZICO (the Orient's forest) 35 800 ha made from wetlands and forests.
Ramsar international convention
The Ramsar convention, (signed in Ramsar, Iran 02/02/1971) is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable utilisation of wetlands. zone of interest for the bird migration.
Preservation tools
Prefectural order for the protection of biotope (APPB)
They favorise the protection of necessary biotopes, for feeding, reproduction, resting and survival of endangered species (fauna and flora)
National nature reserves
Nature reserves are classified to preserve fauna, flora, soil, water, minerals and general natural spaces, which could be endangered by any intervention.
The Park is proud to have a National nature reserve !!! The nature reserve has been created mainly for the bird protection.
Regional nature reserves
Regional nature reserves are classified by the Region or upon the owner's demand. The Park is co-administrator of the Courteranges reserve.
Management tools
Natura 2000
This plan is an ecological network of protected areas in the territory of the European Union.
Natura 2000 contracts
Natura 2000 contracts concern meadows, forests...
Seven Natura 2000 sites in the Park (voluntary basis):
- the Forêt d'Orient Lakes,
- Courteranges meadows,
- "Bas Bois" forests and clearings,
- the "Pelouse des Brebis",
- Bois d'Ajou military camp,
- "Voire and l'Héronne" meadows,
- Arsonval quarry.
For further information check the following websites : DREAL and natura 2000