Useful information
Getting here

It only takes 2h from Paris, 1h30 from Dijon or 1h30 from Reims.
If you are travelling from Belgium England or the Netherlands, we are located half way down to the South of France. A good opportunity to stop by and enjoy the landscape, and maybe stay overnight in a cottage or a B&B.
Useful infiormation for motorway users :
- comimng from Paris : on the A5, follow « Grands Lacs», take exit 23 « Thennelières »
- coming from Dijon : on the A5, exit 22 « Magnant », then follow « Vendeuvre-sur-Barse »
- coming from Lille / Reims : follow the A26, exit 21« Vallée de l’Aube », then drive towards « Brienne-le-Château or 23 « Thennelières » then follow « Grands Lacs »
By train or bus
The nearest train stations are Troyes ( 20km from the Park or Vendeuvre-sur-Barse (located in the Park), both available from Paris or Basel (CH).
In order to organise your stay, click here.
Troyes is linked to the Nature Park by a 42km long cycling track.
The Champagne region offers you many cycling tracks to avoid cycling amongst the traffic.
Check out the web site.
Opening Hours
April - May - June : 10.00 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.30
July - August : 10.00 - 18.00
Sept - Oct : 10h - 12h30 / 13h30 - 17h
Nov - Dec - Jan - Feb - March : 13.00 - 17.00
See you soon!!
Choose your accommodation

The park offers many types of accommodation of different sizes.
As it is not always easy to know how to choose, here is a little explanation that will allow you to better understand the specificities of the different types of accommodation.
Brochures and pamphlets
Many brochures are available for you.
Published by the Central Tourist Office and its partners, the brochures can be sent to your address upon request.
Altough we recommend you download them right here, on this website.
To be able to read the files, you need Acrobat Reader, available for free on this link.
Then, simply click on "Télécharger cette brochure"
Thank you for your interest on our territory and see you later !!
Ours partners
You will find below a usefull contacts list.
Don't hésitate to send for a new reference
Keep in touch

To keep in touch, several possibilities:
Touristic informations:
Intercommunal tourist office ***
des Grands lacs et de la Forêt d'Orient
Clicking here for more information.
Tourist office ** de Brienne-le-Château
Clicking here for more information
Harbourmarster's office Lac d'Orient à Mesnil-St-Père
Clicking here for more information
Harbourmaster's Port-Dienville
Clicking here for more information
Touristic informations
Office de tourisme intercommunal
Parc naturel régional de la Forêt d'Orient
Tél +33 (0)3 25 433 888, Fax +33 (0)3 25 433 883
Website for visitors : -
Adress: Maison du Parc - 10220 PINEY - Aube-en-Champagne - France
Legal informations
Parc naturel régional de la Forêt d'Orient
Tél +33 (0)3 25 43 81 90, Fax +33 (0)3 25 41 54 09
Website : -
Adress : Maison du Parc - 10220 PINEY - Aube-en-Champagne - France
See you soon!