Windmill of Dosches
Finished in Spring 2007, the Moulin de Dosches was reconstructed using traditional techniques from the C18th. It dominates the village and is part of a project on the theme of how bread was made in the past. Open days are organised every month. Group visits are by reservation.
History of the windmill… in Dosches
Reconstruction of the mill was envisaged after reading a report by the Aube's Archives Office that found many windmills in the canton, examining the C18th Cassini map that shows 140 mills in the Aube with two of them in Dosches and finally studying different local almanacs and geography books that confirm the existence of one or more mills in the commune of Dosches of which the oldest dated to the C14th .
It was done with the aim of safeguarding the traditional skills of millers and the carpenters of the mill.
The story of the project
Locally-elected officials had to first be convinced about this ambitious project. Erwin Schriever was though determined to get the project started.
The adventure started thanks to Evelyne Perrot, mayor of Dosches who offered the land, and Dominique Voix, departmentam councillor for canton
In 2001, the European Social Fund, the State , the regional council of Champagne-Ardenne, the departmental council of the Aube, the combined district council in Troyes and the Forêt d'Orient Regional Nature Park financed the reconstruction of the mill and the restauration of the barn.
In the last two years work has been carried out thanks to subsidies and sponsorship as well as by participating in participant projects, competitions.
2009 and 2010 :
- Financing by the regional council :
* Dossier Initiatives Citoyennes et Solidaires pour l'égalité et la Jeunesse
* Dossier adressé à la Direction de l'Aménagement du territoire
* 1er Prix Gauby-Labauche
* Prix spécial de la ville de Reims
* Prix spécial de la Caisse de Dépôt et de Consignation
- Sponsorship etc :
* Fond de Dotation de la Caisse d'Epargne
* Prix et trophée de l'Initiative en économie sociale par la Fondation Crédit Coopératif
* Prix "Nos moulins ont de l'avenir" par la Fondation du Patrimoine en liaison avec les deux fédérations de Moulins (FFAM et FDMF)
* Fond du Ministère de la Culture par l'intermédiaire de Monsieur Mathis, député 2e circonscription du département
Important assistance was also given apportées by different partner companies and donors concered for the sucess and the continued existence of the project
Further information 03 25 41 55 88 or by e mail
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