Ecomuseum - Cultural place
Guardian of Men's memories and their tradition, the Ecomuseum of the Forêt d'Orient was created in order to offer the inhabitants of the Park and visitors from other regions of France and abroad, a place of welcome, information and reflection concerning the rich regional heritage.
- The " Maison des jours et des champs " houses a remarkable collection of tools and farm equipment, witness of the stubborn quest by men to improve farming techniques, from the ancient swing plough to the modern tractor. An audiovisual display evokes the cultural, economic and environmental heritage of the Park.
-The " cartwright's shop " presents you with the workshop of a cartwright and a forge installed in 1900, which has been restored to its original state.
- Located close by, a former mill from the C16th with its stables, barn, main building as well as machinery such as the sluice gates and dam, in the majestic country landscape of the former lumber floating port. The mill is not open to the public.
- Among the other traditional buildings that are being installed on the site are half-timbered barns remarkable for their volume and their beauty.
These buildings enable the presentation in their natural setting of remarkable collections of local ethnology, gathered with love and passion by two associations:
- the ASPRA (Association pour la Sauveguarde du Patrimoine Rural et Artisanal), president M German VAUTRIN,
- the SAFAC, Société des Amateurs de Folklore et d'Art Champenois, president M Gilbert ROY.
Further information : Ecomusée de la Forêt d'Orient, F-10500 Brienne-la-Vieille, Tél +33 3 25 92 95 84, [email protected]
Access :
40km from Troyes
50 Km from St Dizier
70 Km from Châlons-en-Champagne
Opening hours :
Opening from tuesday till saturday : 10.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 18.00
Sundays and Bank holiday : 14.00 - 18.00
Closed Monday and from 15 November to 15 February inclusive
Diability access
Rates :
- Adults : 1 site 5 €, 2 sites 7,50 €
- Enfant <12 ans : free
Guided tours : Mini 9pers.
- Adults : 1 site 4 €, 2 sites 6 €
- Schools <12 yo : 1 site 1 € - 2 sites 1,50 €
- Schools >12 yo : 1 site 2 € - 2 sites 3 €
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