Saint Robert de Radonvilliers
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Eglise Notre Dame de l'Assomption
Rue de l'Eglise
10500 Radonvilliers
Latitude: 48.359614
Longitude: 4.505403
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Are you surprised to see a Benedictine monk in this small country church? I am a large, beautiful wooden statue of Saint Robert of Molesmes, sculpted at the end of the C15th or the beginning of the C16th with so much truth and affection as to make one wonder if the artist wasn’t a monk . The reason is very simple: since the end of the C11th Radonvilliers was a priory of the abbey of Molesmes that I had founded in 1075 south of Troyes on the frontier with Burgundy. I am carrying the church under my arm. I am even depicted in some statues with two of them since I also founded Citeaux. A seignior and his wife, Gauthier of the Donjon de Brienne and Adeline, gave everything that they possessed here to my abbey : serfs, lands, meadows, woods and a river, tithes and justice. The inhabitants of Radonvilliers didn't have difficulty recognizing me depicted as an abbot of their time, the one that protected them and also the one in whose name taxes and tithes were collected : hands and face ascetic as it suits a monk whose food is frugal, the ample black cowl doubled with white that covers the head ,it is very useful in winter when one goes at night to sing the office in an icy abbey-church, the artist didn't forget to represent the fringe of hair that the brother who shaved my skull left me, and the pastoral staff : Father abbot, I am holding in my hand, like the bishops, this sign of the authority that I exercise on those who depend on me, my monks but also the men and the women who live on the land that I control.
MR. H. 20-11-1961
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